APPLICATION (for a service)

This APPLICATION element defines a service in an external application configuration file.


<APPLICATION [Id="app-name"]
   [<RESOURCE>...</RESOURCE>] [...]
  1. The app-name attribute identifies the application. For external configuration files, the Id attribute is ignored. The Id specified is compared to the application name in the request.
  2. The mode-name attribute when set to "sticky", defines a web service as a sticky web service. See the Configure sticky Web services topic in the Genero Application Server User Guide.

Child elements

When you define a Web service application, you can specify the following elements:

  1. Zero or one DESCRIPTION element.
  2. Zero or more RESOURCE elements.
  3. Zero or one PROXY (for a service) element
  4. Zero or one EXECUTION element.
  5. Zero or more TIMEOUT elements.


You use this element to configure Web services you wish to make accessible through the JGAS.

Example usage

<APPLICATION Id="webapp" >

Parent elements

When used in an application configuration file (.xcf), it is the top-most element.