Compile applications
Compile applications and services.
Before you begin:
Run the script file envcomp in the Genero BDL installation directory to make sure that your FGLDIR and PATH are set correctly to run compiler and runtime system tools.
With a text editor,
create an application source file called helloapp.4gl .
In it copy the code shown in the example and save:
IMPORT FGL fgldialog MAIN OPEN FORM f FROM "helloapp" DISPLAY FORM f MENU "Exit" COMMAND "Hello" CALL fgl_winmessage("Hello", "Hello World!", "exclamation") COMMAND "exit" EXIT MENU END MENU END MAIN
To create the application form, create a file called
Copy the code shown in the example and save:
LAYOUT(TEXT="Hello World") GRID { Hello World! } END
To create a service application, create a file called
Copy the code shown in the example and save:
IMPORT XML IMPORT COM &define L(s) DISPLAY SFMT("(%1:%2) %3", __FILE__, __LINE__, s) &define LF(s) L(SFMT s) # Query string parameters TYPE QSParams DYNAMIC ARRAY OF RECORD name STRING, value STRING END RECORD MAIN DEFINE url, qs, requestUrl STRING DEFINE request com.HTTPServiceRequest CALL com.WebServiceEngine.Start() WHILE TRUE TRY #Retrieve the HTTPServiceRequest object to handle the HTTP request in various FUNCTIONs LET request = com.WebServiceEngine.GetHttpServiceRequest(-1) #Separate the incoming URL from query string LET requestUrl = request.readFormEncodedRequest(false) CALL splitUrl(requestUrl) RETURNING url, qs CALL processRequest(request, requestUrl) CATCH LF(("Exception %1 - %2", status, SQLCA.SQLERRM)) L("Got an exception - Exiting") EXIT WHILE END TRY END WHILE END MAIN { Split a url and returns (path, query string) } FUNCTION splitUrl(url) DEFINE url STRING DEFINE i INTEGER IF url IS NULL THEN RETURN NULL, NULL END IF LET i = url.getIndexOf("?",1) IF i >= 1 THEN RETURN url.subString(1, i - 1), url.subString(i + 1, url.getLength()) END IF RETURN url, NULL END FUNCTION FUNCTION processRequest(request, requestUrl) DEFINE request com.HTTPServiceRequest, requestUrl STRING LF(("processRequest: %1", requestUrl)) CALL request.sendTextResponse(200, "OK", "Hello World!") END FUNCTION
Compile the application and service source files (4gl and
Run the commands shown at the command line:
fglcomp -r -M helloapp.4gl fglform -M helloapp.per fglcomp -r -M helloservice.4gl
The application and service 42m and 42f files are created.