The home page of the JGAS user interface provides access to the applications or services
deployed in a war file. Resources can be added or modified for each application or
To open the JGAS user interface, type the URL into your browser as follows:
where war_file_name is the name of the war file deployed.
For example working on the standalone JGAS, enter
http://localhost:8080/hello to use applications deployed in the
hello.war file. By default JGAS listens on port 8080. The name of the war
file, hello in the example, provides the path to locate the deployed war.
The JGAS user interface home page opens. Figure: JGAS home page
Registered applications and services
In this section the applications and services deployed in the war are listed.
The Global Settings feature allows you to edit the JGAS configuration.
Note: Global settings affect all applications and of all deployed war
files on the server. The global settings you customize, persist when you redeploy the
war file.
To configure global resources, click on the
Edit configuration button opposite the Global
Settings to open the Resources Global page. See JGAS global resources page.
Application settings: a row of icons is shown opposite each application name.
These options allow you to perform the following actions:
Edit configuration
Click on the Edit configuration button opposite an
application to open the application Resources page. See JGAS application resources page.
Use this option to enable or disable an application or service. Click on the
Enable/Disable button opposite the application name.
Use this option to run an application or start a Web service that is configured on
your JGAS. Click on the Start button opposite the application
name. Your application is then displayed in the browser page within the Genero Browser
Client (GBC) user interface.