This element specifies the connection between the JGAS and the Web server.


  [<HTTP> ... </HTTP>]

Child elements

The INTERFACE (for JGAS) element may contain the following child elements:
Note: In the JGAS the order child elements appear within the parent node is not important.


You use this element to configure the connection between the JGAS and the Web server. Its elements define the dedicated URL prefixes and the path to directories used by the Report Viewer and the Genero Browser Client (GBC). You use it also to define the HTTP headers that configure requests sent and received between the JGAS and front-end.

Example usage

        <HEADER Name="X-XSS-Protection">1; mode=block</HEADER>
        <HEADER Name="X-Content-Type-Options">nosniff</HEADER>
        <HEADER Name="X-Frame-Options">SAMEORIGIN</HEADER>

By default JGAS will listen on the port 8080.

Parent elements

This element is a child of the CONFIGURATION (for JGAS) element.