Tutorial: Run ggc demos through JGAS

The Genero Ghost Client (GGC) demo applications are packaged with the FGLGWS product. You can create a war file that allows you to run these application tests through the JGAS.

Before you begin:
  • The demos.war files is created as described in Tutorial: Run fgl demos through JGAS.
  • Run the script file envcomp in the Genero BDL installation directory to make sure that your FGLDIR and PATH are set correctly to run compiler and runtime system tools.

  • A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required to run the application war file with fglgar run.

  1. Compile the GGC demo application source files (4gl) in the FGLDIR\testing_utilities\ggc\samples directory.
    Type the following commands at the command line.
    fglcomp -r -M Console.4gl 
    fglcomp -r -M SimpleTest.4gl
    The 42m files are created.
  2. Run the demos applications using the following command:
    fglgar run --war demos.war
  3. Run the SimpleTest to test the simple-demo application.
    Type the command shown at the command line of the FGLDIR\testing_utilities\ggc\samples directory
     fglrun SimpleTest http://localhost:8080/ggc_demos/ua/r/simple-demo
    You should see output from the test as shown.

    Figure: Running GGC test demos through JGAS

    Image shows the output from a Genero Ghost Client test run through the JGAS

    For more information on Genero Ghost Client, see the Genero Ghost Client User Guide.