Run an application in JGAS

When developing application, the standalone feature of the JGAS allows you to test them.

Before you begin:

Run the script file envcomp in the Genero BDL installation directory to make sure that your FGLDIR and PATH are set correctly to run compiler and runtime system tools.

A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required to run the application war file with fglgar run.

  1. The fglgar run command is used to start the JGAS in standalone mode. At the command line type the command:
    fglgar run --war hello.war
    The output at the command line indicates that the JGAS is started as shown.

    Figure: JGAS started in standalone mode

    Image shows the command to start the JGAS in standalone mode with the output to indicate that it is started
  2. By default JGAS listens on port 8080. The name of the war file, hello in the example, provides the path to locate the deployed war.

    Open the browser at the following URL:


    The JGAS user interface home page opens showing the applications and services deployed in the war file. See JGAS home page.