CONSOLE (under LOG for JGAS)

This element defines the log messages sent to the console.


<CONSOLE Enabled="{TRUE|FALSE}" MaxLength="max"></CONSOLE>
  1. The Enabled attribute can be set with a value of "TRUE" or "FALSE". In the JGAS configuration file the default is TRUE, specified by the resource, log.console.enabled
  2. max specifies the number of characters as the maximum size of a single log message. The default is 160 characters, set by the resource log.console.maxlength.

Child elements

The CONSOLE element may contain the following child elements:

  1. One CATEGORIES (under LOG for JGAS) element.
  2. One FORMAT (under LOG for JGAS) element.


Use this element to specify the output of log messages to the standard output.


<CONSOLE Enabled="$(log.console.enabled)" MaxLength="$(log.console.maxlength)">
  <FORMAT Type="$(log.console.format)">$(log.console.columns)</FORMAT>

In this example, log messages are enabled for the standard output.

Parent elements

This element is a child of the LOG (for JGAS) element.