Uninstalling Genero packages and programs

How you uninstall a Genero package or program depends on your operating system.

Table 1. Uninstall your installation
Operating System How to uninstall

Uninstall via the Add or remove programs utility in Settings.

UNIX™ Uninstall using the uninstall script provided in the installation:
  • Locate the uninstall script in the Genero installation's uninstall directory. There should only be one script in this directory; for example, $FGLDIR/uninstall/uninstall_fglgws.sh
  • At a command line, run the script to uninstall the Genero program.
Mac® The method for uninstalling a Genero program will depend on how it was installed.

Genero Studio for Genero Report Writer is installed as an Apple® drive image (dmg) file and is uninstalled via the Finder application.

Genero programs installed as standalone installations (such as the Genero Report Engine (GRE)) are installed as run executables and are uninstalled using the uninstall script provided in the installation:

  • Locate the uninstall script in the Genero installation's uninstall directory. There should only be one script in this directory; for example, $GREDIR/uninstall/uninstall_gre.sh
  • At a terminal window, run the script to uninstall the Genero program.