X-Size (X-Size)

The X-Size property gives the box a fixed width.

To preserve the aspect ratio of an image, set the value of either Y-Size or X-Size only, and allow Report Writer to calculate the corresponding value. If you set both properties, the resulting image appears distorted.

Tip: If you want a box to have the same width as its parent, set X-Size to max. See Modify the sizing policy of containers.
Tip: The X-Size property can include the oddPhysicalPage() or evenPhysicalPage() functions. See Start on an odd or even page.

Type: Measure of distance.

Default value: Calculated after the node has completed child alignment. The value is set to the smallest possible value that encloses all children without clipping any of them.

You can find the X-Size property in the Geometry category of the Properties view.