Category Chart

A Category Chart defines the header for an abstract category dataset that can be used for creating a variety of two dimensional charts.

Category Chart (Categorychart type) is found in the Business Graphs group in the Tool Box view.

The CATEGORYCHART element defines the header for an abstract category dataset that can be used for creating a variety of two dimensional charts such as category charts. The categories are defined by the CATEGORY element and its "key" attribute, which has to be unique within a CATEGORYCHART. Within a CATEGORY, CATEGORYITEMS define the values within the category. Within one category, the "key" values of individual CATEGORYITEM elements has to be unique. The resulting chart is drawn automatically. See Working with Business Graphs for additional information.


Select the object on the Report Design page to display to display its properties in the Properties View. You can change the object's default appearance by setting the values of its properties.

title, valuesTitle, keysTitle, drawAs, fidelity, drawLegend

Table 1 shows valid values for drawAs for Category Chart. The default is a Bar.
Table 1. Category Chart DrawAs values

You can also specify that the category chart displays as a table by setting drawAs to Table, SortedTable, or AggregatedTable.

The fidelity property applies only if the chart is drawn as a table.