Register the license on Four Js Genero Report Writer website

You need to register your license with Four Js in order to validate it. Follow this procedure only if you did not register the license automatically at the time you installed the license number and license key.

About this task:

You need to register the installation number with Four Js to validate the license and obtain the installation key. Alternatively, you can also register by contacting your local Four Js support center by phone.

Before you begin:
  • You must have an installation number. This is generated locally by the license controller when you install the license number and license key. To get the installation number use the following command:
    grxWrt -a info license 
  • You must also have the following:
    • License number
    • License key
    Typically, these are delivered by email from Four Js with your product. If you do not have them, contact your local Four Js sales office.
  1. Open your browser and navigate to the Genero Report Writer web site
  2. Navigate to the Support > License your products page.
    The Online registration form is displayed.
    Figure: Four Js Genero Report Writer Online Registration Page

    The image shows the Online registration form on the License your products page on the Four Js Genero Report Writer web site at
  3. Complete the Online registration form making sure that everything is entered correctly and select Submit.
    A new page is displayed showing information that your license has been registered and providing you with:
    • Installation key
    • Maintenance or subscription key

At this point, you need to install the installation and maintenance keys.