Viewing a meta-schema

Once a database meta-schema file has been created, it can be viewed and enriched with information that is not present in the database. Opening a meta-schema file displays it as a diagram for viewing and editing.

Each table is described by a table in the diagram. The structure of the database tables is displayed in the Database Structure view.

Warning: For Genero Report Writer, you should not be changing the database meta-schema using the Meta-Schema Manager. Changes in the database meta-schema should be handled by an update from the database.
Figure: Viewing the schema

This figure is a screenshot of the panels used when working with a meta-schema.
Icons on the diagram and in the Database Structure view indicate when a column's status has been changed: added (

), modified (

), or removed (


Zoom in and out

Use Ctrl+mouse wheel to zoom in and out on the diagram.

Reverting a change

Revert any changes made to the schema with Database > Revert.... See Revert schema changes dialog

Multiple views

Right-click the View tab at the bottom of the document to duplicate, rename, or delete a view. You may display multiple views of the same meta-schema.

Filter shown items

Filter the items shown on the diagram with the right-click context menu Filter Items....

Show or hide foreign key names

To show foreign key names, right-click on the diagram and select Display Foreign Keys Label.

To hide foreign key names, right-click on the diagram and clear Display Foreign Keys Label.

View the details behind the icons

You can mouse over any object on the diagram that has a visual icon (such as a primary key icon or a status icon) to view the details of that icon. For example, if a table has a status icon indicating a change, mouse over the change icon to view the details of the changes.