Framework error messages

Error messages at the framework level can apply to various components of Genero Studio. Each component also maintains their own set of error messages.

Table 1. Framework error messages
Number Description
GS-1001 Unable to start process: command line empty

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1002 Process not running, nothing to abort. Command line: command

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1003 Process not started, nothing to abort. Command line: command

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1004 Process failed to start. Check executable files existence and permissions. Command line: command

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1005 The process crashed some time after starting successfully. Command line: command

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1006 Unable to write to the standard input of a non-running process. Command line: command

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1007 Unable to read from the standard output or error of a non-running process. Command line: command

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1008 An unknown error occurred on process. Command line: command

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1020 There is no display client running on host:port

A connection to the display client failed. Ensure that the display client has started on the host and port.

GS-1021 File filename not found, unable to run the preview.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1023 Invalid display client directory

The startup script of the display client was not found. Check the display client settings in the configuration.

GS-1024 Failed to start display client in pathname

Check the display client settings in the configuration.

GS-1025 Display client already running on host:port

Stop the running display client or check the display client settings in the configuration.

GS-1026 Current Genero configuration's FGL is invalid. Unable to verify if client has correctly started.

Check the Genero install settings in the configuration.

GS-1027 Display client has been successfully started on host:port

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1028 A variable needed to start display client is not set: varname

Check the environment settings in the configuration.

GS-1029 Client on port portname is not GDC/GMA/GMI

Another application is using the port and is not a display client. Stop the application or check the display client settings in the configuration.

GS-1030 Display client starting has been aborted on host:port

The user has manually aborted the starting of the display client.

GS-1031 Using remote display client

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1032 Cannot connect to display client on host:port. Verify that your display client configuration is correct

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1034 Unable to create path pathname

Check the access permissions on the path.

GS-1035 Unable to copy filename, the file doesn't exist

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1036 Unable to copy filename to destination, check the permissions of the original file, of the destination directory and the destination file if it already exists.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1037 Failed to create tools directory.

Check the access permissions on the tools directory.

GS-1038 Failed to generate application configuration file (filename)

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1039 Application configuration file generated (filename)

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1040 Unable to move filename, the file doesn't exist

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1041 Unable to move filename to destination, check the permissions of the original file, of the destination directory and the destination file if it already exists.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1042 Unable to delete filename, check the permissions of the original file and its directory.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1043 Unable to start the proxy process. Check your product installation.

It might be necessary to reinstall the product.

GS-1044 The proxy process crashed. Please contact product support.

Contact your support center to report the issue.

GS-1045 Unable to write to the proxy process. Check your product installation.

It might be necessary to reinstall the product.

GS-1046 Unable to read from the proxy process. Check your product installation.

It might be necessary to reinstall the product.

GS-1047 Unable to start the DVM process. Check your product installation.

Check the Genero install settings in the configuration.

GS-1048 The DVM process crashed. Please contact product support.

Check the Genero install settings in the configuration.

GS-1049 Unable to write to the DVM process. Check your product installation.

Check the Genero install settings in the configuration.

GS-1050 Unable to read from the DVM process. Check your product installation

Check the Genero install settings in the configuration.

GS-1051 Unable to start the proxy server.

Contact your support center to report the issue.

GS-1052 An error occurred on the socket connection to the proxy.

Contact your support center to report the issue.

GS-1053 The socket connection to the proxy has been closed.

Contact your support center to report the issue.

GS-1054 Path is not accessible from the server. Check your mount points

The paths configured in the Genero Host are not accessible. Check the Genero Host settings of the configuration.

GS-1055 Launching application at url

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1056 Cannot start web browser. Check path in Genero configuration and preferences

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1057 Launching GAS monitor at url

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1058 The following warnings generated during xcf file generation

A Run task generated an application configuration file warnings. Those warnings are listed after this message.

GS-1059 Environment variable varname contains invalid characters

Check your environment settings in the Genero Configuration or at the system level.

GS-1060 Unable to write the file filename. Check path existence and permissions

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1061 Invalid URL url

Check the Genero Application Server settings in your configuration.

GS-1062 Invalid configuration

Check your Genero configuration status and settings.

GS-1063 Java_error

The Java compiler output an error.

GS-1064 Cannot find text codec for encoding encoding

Check the encoding and the encoding map are valid .

GS-1065 Java compilation server error : error

Check the error details for more information.

GS-1066 Incorrect environment variable varname

Check your environment settings in the Genero Configuration or at the system level.

GS-1067 Command line too long

A task tried to execute a command which exceed the system length limit.

GS-1068 Cannot load file-types.

Check your template configuration settings and the file-types.xmlfile format.

GS-1069 Unable to delete filename, file not found.

Check that the file exists and that you have access permission.

GS-1070 Cannot save file. Unable to create backup file, aborting.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1071 File filename was created with a newer version and cannot be opened.

Try opening the file with a different version of the product.

GS-1072 The command command failed with exit code code.

Check the additional output to get details about the error.

GS-1073 Executing \"action\"

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1074 Opening \"filename\"

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-1075 Opening with shell \"filename\"

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-3001 Invalid model node info version.

A file has been saved with an unsupported model node info version. Try opening it with the appropriate product version.

GS-3002 Invalid dynamic property version.

A file has been saved with an unsupported dynamic property version. Try opening it with the appropriate product version.

GS-3003 Dynamic property property not found for node node

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-3004 Failed to add property name to model node info: a property with this name was not found

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-3005 Failed to add property name to model node info: a dynamic property with this name already exists

A dynamic property has been defined twice in a model node info. The file cannot be loaded.

GS-3006 Failed to add property name to model node info: a static property with this name already exists

A property has been defined twice in a model node info. The file cannot be loaded.

GS-3007 Model node info for type type not found.

Properties have been defined for a non-existing model node information.

GS-3008 Failed to add property info name: a dynamic property with this name already exists

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-3009 Failed to add property info name: a static property with this name already exists

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-3010 Failed to add property group name: a dynamic property group with this name already exists

A dynamic property group has been defined twice. The file cannot be loaded.

GS-3011 Failed to add property group name: a static property group with this name already exists

A dynamic property has been defined twice. The file cannot be loaded.

GS-3012 Invalid property info version.

A file has been saved with an unsupported property information version. Try opening it with the appropriate product version.

GS-3013 Failed to read dynamic property.

An error occured while reading dynamic properties.

GS-3014 Found orphan property '%1'. Update your setup or clean document settings to remove it

For solutions, see Orphan properties.

GS-3015 Found orphan property group '%1'. Update your setup or clean document settings to remove it

For solutions, see Orphan properties.

GS-3016 Node '%1' contains orphan properties. Update your setup or clean document settings to remove them

For solutions, see Orphan properties.

GS-6001 Path is not accessible from the server. Check your mount points

A task tried to convert a path to a remote path but the server cannot access the file. Check the mount points in the Genero Host configuration.

GS-6002 Invalid product version.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-6004 Product bundle is up to date

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-6005 Download started.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-6006 Install cancelled : The md5 hash doesn't match.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-6007 Install cancelled : The file name doesn't match.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-6008 Update failed, extraction error.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-6009 Update server returned an error: error

The updater cancelled the installation because the update server returned an error.

GS-6010 Invalid sofware update login.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-6011 Update error : invalid product.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-6012 Update error : invalid product version.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-6013 Update error : invalid sofware update request.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-6014 Download finished.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-6015 Update successful.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-6016 Update aborted.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.

GS-6100 Cannot load creatable file.

The creatable file is invalid and cannot be loaded.