Android package node properties

An Androidâ„¢ package has Android-specific properties.

Table 1. Properties for Android package nodes
Group Property Description
Android VersionName Version name (optional).

Icon-ldpi (36x36 px)
Icon-mdpi (48x48 px)
Icon-hdpi (72x72 px)
Icon-xhdpi (96x96 px)
Icon-xxhdpi (144x144 px)

Application icon. Icons must be in PNG format. See Iconography and Devices and Displays on the Android Developer site for more information about icons and their use with Android apps.

Status Icon-mdpi (24x24 px)
Status Icon-hdpi (36x36 px)
Status Icon-xhdpi (48x48 px)

Status icon. Icons must be in PNG format. See Iconography and Devices and Displays on the Android Developer site for more information about icons and their use with Android apps.
Android Permissions Android permissions requested during package install, such as request to access device camera. For further information, see Android Developer's Guide: Manifest.permission.
Android Foreground service types Corresponds to the --custom-foreground-service-type option of gmabuildtool. This option defines multiple types, including the "foregroundServiceType" used. For further information, go to Foreground service types.
Android Background explanation Defines the foregroundServiceType as "specialUse", by providing an explanation that needs to be approved by Google for app publication on the store. This type allows apps to run in background mode without being killed. Corresponds to the --background-explanation option of gmabuildtool.
Android Firebase-analytics Enables user data collection for analytics when using push notifications with Firebase Could Messaging. For more details, go to Analytics in FCM documentation.
Android Cordova Plugins Installed Cordova plugins need to be specified in the build process when creating your app. Select which Cordova plugins to include in the package. For more information, see Cordova plugins in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.