Data refresh

Data refresh behavior is specified with the Data Refresh property on the relation between two forms. If the source form is in DISPLAY mode and opens a destination form, when the destination form closes, the data displayed in the source form refreshes.

Table 1. Data Refresh property values
Option Description
All Documents All data are refreshed.
Current Document The current document (current row of the master record) is refreshed. This is the default value.
All Rows All rows of the current record defined by the Position, Source Field property values are refreshed.
Current Row The current row defined by the Position, Source Field property values is refreshed.
None No refresh is done.

The Current Row and the Current Record are defined by the Position, Source Field properties of the relation. If the Position, Source Field property values are the unique key of the record, then the Data Refresh uses the row defined by the returned values.

If the Data Refresh is for All or Current Document, then the Data Refresh uses the current document by following the record relations from the row of the record defined by the Position, Source Field property values to the master record (from unique key to unique key of the parent).


If the canAdd property is enabled in the destination form, set the dataRefresh property to All Rows or All Documents, otherwise the added rows will not be displayed on return to the source form.