Mandatory functions

These functions are required in the Report Driver section of the Genero BDL file associated with a Genero BDL reporting application.

See Usage: load and commit.

Table 1. Mandatory functions
Function Description
fgl_report_loadCurrentSettings (
   reportFileName STRING) 
Loads the report definition and configures the in-memory settings accordingly.

The fgl_report_loadAndCommit function may be used in place of the other mandatory functions if no changes to the default settings are required.

  RETURNS driver om.SaxDocumentHandler
Configures the Genero Report Engine based on the initial report definition and any subsequent function calls.

The fgl_report_loadAndCommit function may be used in place of the other mandatory functions if no changes to the default settings are required.

fgl_report_loadAndCommit (
   reportFileName STRING)
  RETURNS handler om.SaxDocumentHandler
Function that loads a 4rp file and configures the report engine to execute the report.