Create a SOAP web service client

You can use Genero Studio to write, compile, and execute a SOAP Genero Web Services (GWS) client application.

Before you begin:

The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) description must be provided by the service provider. It can be provided as a file or as a URL. You can use the WSDL description to determine the operations of the Web Service in your BDL program, the required parameters, and the return values.

About this task:

The wizard retrieves the WSDL information and generates a .4gl file containing the BDL functions for the WSDL operations, which can be called by a Genero Web Service client application.

  1. In the Projects, right-click an application, folder, or library node and select Add Web Service > Client Consuming WSDL....
  2. Complete the steps in the Add Web Services - Client consuming WSDL wizard:
    1. On the Services selection page, enter the details needed to locate the WSDL file.
    2. On the Project integration page, determine how the web service will be integrated into the project:
      • Add web services to project (Recommended) produces a .wsdl file which is added to the project, and a readonly .4gl in the intermediate files. The default action on the .wsdl file is 'View 4gl source'. To open the .4gl and view the API, double-click click on the .wsdl file . The client stub can be called from MAIN.
      • Advanced allows you to select more options. This produces an editable client .4gl client stub which is added to the project and can be edited.
      Sample client API:
      IMPORT FGL SOAP_client_API
          DEFINE ret INTEGER
          LET record1_readRequest.country_code = "FRA"
          CALL record1_read_g() RETURNING ret
          DISPLAY SFMT("The description of %1 is %2.",record1_readRequest.country_code, record1_readResponse.resultset.country_codedesc)
      END MAIN
  3. Use the Genero Studio Build menu option to compile and link your new application.

If you must access the web service using a proxy, provide the proxy information using Tools > Preferences (or, if you are on a Mac, > Preferences).