Specify a new FGLGWS installation

In a Genero configuration, the Genero installation refers to the settings for the Genero runtime that will be used to compile, build and execute the Genero application. If the Genero installation is not defined, you can easily create it.

Before you begin

A version of the Genero runtime (the fglgws package) must be installed in a location outside of the Genero Studio installation directory.

About this task

This procedure assumes you wish to create a new Genero installation, then use it in a Genero configuration.

  1. Select Tools > Genero Configurations.
    The Genero Configuration Management dialog opens.
  2. In the Compiler/Runtime section, click the Edit Genero installs icon, located next to the Genero Installation combobox.
    The Genero Install Management dialog opens, listing all existing Genero installs.
  3. Click the Add a Genero install icon.
    The Genero Installation dialog opens.
  4. In the Name field, enter a name for your new Genero install.
    Give the installation a meaningful name, for example, "FGL 2.50" would let people know that the installation is for the FGL 2.50 version.
  5. Click OK.
    The new Genero install is added at the end of the Genero install list. The status is set to a question mark, indicating that required information has yet to be added.
  6. Complete the Genero Installation Details section.
    1. In the FGLDIR field, enter the path to the FGL installation directory. For example, C:\Program Files\FourJs\Genero Studio\2.50\fgl.
    2. In the FGL runner field, enter the name of the FGL runner executable. For example, on Microsoft® Windows, the runner is "fglrun.exe".
    3. If you have command line options to provide to the runner, enter them in the FGL options field.
    4. Click Check Installation.
      If the installation is valid, details appear in the Version section of the dialog.
    5. Click OK.
      The Genero installation updates, and the dialog closes. You return to the Genero Configuration Management dialog.
  7. Use the newly-created Genero installation in a Genero configuration.
    1. Select the configuration to modify from the list.

      Any changes you make will be permanent! If you will need to return to your existing configurations in the future, you should create a new, independent configuration. See Create a new configuration.

    2. Select the newly-created Genero installation from the Genero Installation drop-down list.
    3. Click OK.
      The Genero Configuration Management dialog closes.
At this point, your configuration will use the specified Genero installation. However, there may be additional work you need to complete.