Command line options for build, link, execution rules

Special command line options can be used for build, link, and execution rules.

For command line options specific to packaging and deploying, see Package and deploy rules.

Table 1. Command line operands
Command line / syntax Description
$(4dbcomp) sourceFile[4db]
The $(4dbcomp) command builds the schema file (sch) from the database file (4db).
$(4fdcomp) [options] sourceFile[4fd]
Options include:
  • -m : Generate localized strings.
  • -i : Ignore (overwrite) present files.
  • -keep : Keep a temporary .per file.
  • -make : Compile only the .4fd files that have changed.
The $(4fdcomp) command builds the compiled form file (42f) from the form file (4fd).
$(blockpoint) [options] filename
The $(blockpoint) command manages user-added code by extracting or injecting code between BLOCK and POINT tags in a generated 4gl file.
$(copy) sourceFilePath destinationFilePath

The $(copy) command copies the given file or directory to the given destination in a platform-independent way. When copying a directory, the copy is recursive.

$(delete) filePath1 filePath2 ...
The $(delete) command removes the given files or directories in a platform independent way. When deleting a directory, the delete is recursive; all subdirectories and files contained within the directory are deleted.
$(echo) [-n] [string] [> outputFilePath]

The $(echo) command prints a string to the Output window.

If used with multiple strings (for example, a list PM variable), you can use the -n option to force a carriage return between them.

To redirect the output to a file, use the greater-than (>) sign and specify the file, for example:
echo "Hello World" > "c:\file.txt"
$(fglcomp) [options] sourceFile[4gl]
The fglcomp tool compiles BDL program sources files into a p-code version.

For further information, see the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.

$fgldbsch -db dbname[options]
The fgldbsch tool generates the database schema files from an existing database.

For further information, see the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.

$(fglmkmsg) [options] sourceFile[.msg] [outFile.iem]
The fglmkmsg tool compiles message files into a binary version used by the BDL programs.

For further information, see the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.

$(fglmkstr) [options] sourceFile[.str]
The fglmkstr tool compiles localized string files.

For further information, see the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.

$(fglrun) [options] program
The $(fglrun) command calls fglrun tool, the runtime system program that executes p-code programs.

For further information, see the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.

$(fglwsdl) [options] <filename | url>
The $(fglwsdl) command calls the fglwsdl tool for creating a web services program.

For further information, see the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.

$(generate) [options] filename
The $(generate) command creates an intermediary XML file from modeled entities.
$(gslint) sourceFilePath

The $(gslint) command runs the gslint file from the source file path. For further information, see Code Quality.

$(gstdebug) -d

The $(gstdebug) command starts a debug task using the fglrun executable.

Execution rules only.
$(gstrun) [options]
The $(gstrun) command calls command to run an application through Genero Studio.

Execution rules only.

$(javac) [options] filePath
The $(javac) command compiles the Java code.
$(move) sourceFilePath destinationFilePath
The $(move) command moves the given file or directory to the given destination in a platform-independent way. When moving a directory, the move command is recursive.
$(percomp) [options] sourceFile[per]
The percomp tool compiles form specification files into XML formatted files used by the programs.
$(tcl) - deprecated
tclsh [options] filename.xml
The tclsh executable generates the final file by using both a Tcl template file and the intermediary XML file created by the $(generate) command.