Detect backwards compatibility features

The backwards compatibility features rules reviews the source code in your project to detects any features that have been maintained for backwards compatibility.

The ruleId

The ruleId is backwardCompatibility.


The options available for the detect backwards compatibility features rules are:
  • .enabled specifies whether a rule is enabled. Valid values are true or false.
  • .severity specifies the severity level. Valid values are error, info, or warning (default).
    Warning: If the severity is set to error, the compilation will fail if the rule is broken.
  • .FGLImports is a comma-separated value list.
  • .functions is a comma-separated value list.
  • .clauses is a comma-separated value list.

For a complete list of valid FGLImport, function and clause entries, refer to the default.gslint file as defined by the GSLINTRULES environment variable.


To check for backwards compatible features, and to output a warning if a deprecated feature is found, specify these rules:

backwardCompatibility.enabled = true
backwardCompatibility.severity = warning
backwardCompatibility.FGLImports = fgldraw
backwardCompatibility.functions = fgl_dialog_getkeylabel, fgl_dialog_setkeylabel, fgl_drawbox, fgl_drawline,
 fgl_getkeylabel, fgl_keyval, fgl_lastkey, fgl_report_print_binary_file, fgl_setkeylabel, fgl_settitle,
 fgl_system, fgl_window_getoption, fgl_init4js, fgl_winbutton, fgl_winprompt, drawInit, drawSelect,
 drawDisableColorLines, drawFillColor, drawLineWidth, drawAnchor, drawLine, drawText, drawRectangle,
 drawCircle, drawOval, drawPolygon, drawArc, drawClear, drawButtonLeft, drawButtonRight, drawClearButton,
 drawSetComment, drawGetClickedItemid
backwardCompatibility.clauses = ON KEY, COMMAND KEY, SHOW/HIDE OPTION, OPTIONS action KEY,