Create multi-page ISO reports

For reports printed on ISO and JIS-sized pages, you can configure the output to print several logical pages per physical page.

Use these functions to change the output options:

  • fgl_report_selectLogicalPageMapping - use the parameter multipage to change the logical page mapping, allowing the printing of multiple pages per physical page.
  • fgl_report_configureMultipageOutput - to configure the required number of pages. The parameters are:
    1. pageExponent String - Specifies the number of pages to print. The actual number of pages is calculated by multiplying the page exponent number that you specify by 2. In the example there will be 2 * 2 = 4 pages per physical page.
    2. isoNumber Integer - Specifies the ISO number. This parameter is optional (indicated by passing a null value). If no value is specified, the page size of the logical page is taken from the 4rp file (if specified). In the example, 4 refers to ISOA4.
    3. portrait Boolean - TRUE specifies that the page is in portrait orientation; FALSE= landscape. This parameter is optional (indicated by passing a null value). If no value is specified, the orientation of the logical page is taken from the 4rp file.


  FUNCTION configure_report()
     DEFINE handler om.SaxDocumentHandler           -- configure report engine
     IF fgl_report_loadCurrentSettings(NULL) THEN   -- there is no 4rp file
               -- change default output options
       CALL fgl_report_selectLogicalPageMapping("multipage")
       CALL fgl_report_configureMultipageOutput(2,4,TRUE)
       LET handler = fgl_report_commitCurrentSettings()  -- commit settings 
     END IF