Explore Project Manager

Follow these steps to interact with Project Manager.

Before you begin: The OfficeStore project must be opened in the Project view.

  1. Select the OfficeStore Model node to view its properties.
    Note: If the Properties view is not visible, select Window > Views > Properties from the menu.
    Figure: OfficeStore Model

    This figure shows the OfficeStore.4pw file opened in the Projects view. The Officestore Model group is selected and its properties are displayed in the Properties view
  2. Click the Expand all icon at the bottom of the Projects view.

    The icons on the nodes indicate their type and purpose.

    Figure: Project nodes and their icons

    This figure shows the OfficeStore.4pw file opened in the Projects view, with group, application, configuration, library, and file nodes
  3. Right-click on the AccountsTest.4gl node, and select Locate in File Browser.

    The Files view opens, showing where the file is located in the physical structure on the disk.

    Figure: File Browser

    This figure shows the AccountsTest.4gl file opened in the Files view, showing its location in \Documents\My Genero Files\samples\OfficeStore\tests