Creating a REST client application in Genero Studio

Use a Web service's OpenAPI description file to generate the client stub for a Genero BDL REST client application.

Genero Studio provides a graphical means for creating a REST client stub file. Behind the scenes, the fglrestful command line tool is completing the task for you. To find out more about the REST client stub file, and how you use it to code a REST client application, refer to the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.


  1. Create a new application node in your Genero Studio project.
  2. In the Properties view, set the Language property for the node to "Genero (no link)".
  3. Add the Web service OpenAPI description file to the node.
    It must have an .openapi file extension.
    1. Retrieve the OpenAPI description file in JSON format.
    2. Save the OpenAPI description file with a .openapi file extension.
    For example, if you retrieved the OpenAPI description file with a URL such as "http://localhost:6394/ws/r/myService/MyService?openapi.json", you would save the results in a file named "myservice.openapi".
  4. Right-click on the .openapi file and select Compile File.
    The client stub file is generated and saved to the directory where the .openapi file sits. It takes its name from the .openapi file, but with a .4gl extension. It is not added to your project by default!
  5. Add the generated client stub to the application node.

You are now ready to code the remainder of your client application. For information on coding a REST client using a generated client stub, refer to the RESTful Web services (high-level framework) section of the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.