Add a text encoding plugin

Use this procedure to add support for a new encoding in a Genero Studio client-server configuration.

Before you begin, the preferred encoding must be installed on the system.

  1. Locate the charmap on the internet or Linux™ system.
  2. Copy the uncompressed charmap to the $GSTUSERDIR/charmaps directory on both client and server. Create the charmaps directory if it does not already exist.
  3. Create a new entry for the encoding in $GSTUSERDIR/encodingMap.xml on both client and server.

    For example:

    <!-- Polish -->
    <Alias name="IBM852" fallback="852,ibm852"        impl="IBM852"  unixCountry="pl_PL" />
    <Alias name="852"    fallback="IBM852,ibm852"     impl="IBM852"  unixCountry="pl_PL" />
    <Alias name="CP852"  fallback="IBM852,852,ibm852" impl="IBM852"  unixCountry="pl_PL" />
  4. Open Genero Studio on the client, and select Tools > Preferences (or, if you are on a Mac, Genero Studio > Preferences), then General. Check to see if the new plugin displays in the list of encodings.
    If the plugin is not present in the Text Encoding list, check the following:
    • Did you copy the charmap to the Genero Studio charmaps directory on both client and server?
    • Is the charmap a valid POSIX2 charmap?
    Figure: New text encoding plugin displayed in Text Encoding list.

    This screenshot shows the new IBM852 plugin in the list of text encodings in Genero Studio Preferences.