gslint error messages

A list of error messages relating to the gslint command. For messages that are not self-explanatory, additional information is provided.

Table 1. gslint error messages
Number Description

An internal error occurred at '%1:%2'

This error is internal, and does not normally occur. Contact your local support center.


%1Path does not exist: '%2'

Check the GSLINTRULES environment variable. For further information, see Code Quality.


%1Path is not a file: '%2'

Check the GSLINTRULES environment variable. For further information, see Code Quality.


Cannot read file of rules '%1'

For further information, see The lint rules file.


Invalid rule. '%1' is not a valid rule key

For further information, see The format of rules in the lint rules file.


Invalid rule property. The '%1' rule property is unknown

For further information, see Identifier naming convention rules.


Invalid rule property value. '%1' is not a valid value for the '%2' rule property

For further information, see Identifier naming convention rules.


Can be one of the following messages according to the option(functions|comWebServiceEngineOptions|FGLImports|frontCalls) defined for a ruleid (deprecated|backwardCompatibility) in the gslint rules file:

The function '%1()' cannot appear twice, once in the %2.%4 list and one in the %3.%4 list

The WebServiceEngine option '%1' reference cannot appear twice, once in the %2.%4 list and one in the %3.%4 list

The IMPORT FGL '%1' reference cannot appear twice, once in the %2.%4 list and one in the %3.%4 list

The front call '%1' reference cannot appear twice, once in the %2.%4 list and one in the %3.%4 list

Two ruleids (deprecated|backwardCompatibility) defined in gslint rules file with same option can not contain the same value. Fix your rules file.


'%1' doesn't respect the 'object.function' front call convention rule syntax (For example WINCOM.CallMethod) in the %2.%3 rule property

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.


There is no rule to check.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.


The Abstract Tree Syntax is not valid.

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.


Cannot load Abstract Tree Syntax from STDIN

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.


Cannot extract Abstract Tree Syntax from the file '%1'

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.


'%1' doesn't respect the '%2' prefix naming convention rule

For further information, see Identifier naming convention rules.


Decimal precision is mandatory

For further information, see Mandatory DECIMAL and MONEY precision rules.


Avoid multi-line string

For further information, see Multi-line STRING definition rules.


Do not declare more than one variable per type inside a single declaration

For further information, see Only one variable per type inside a single declaration rules.


Do not declare more than one constant per declaration

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.


Do not declare more than one variable per declaration

For further information, see Only one variable per declaration rules.


Do not declare more than one type per declaration

Error message and resolution should be self-explanatory.


The %1 is supported for backward compatibility

For further information, see Detect backwards compatibility features.


The %1 is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version

For further information, see Detect deprecated features rules.