Scripting error messages

A list of scripting error messages. For messages that are not self-explanatory, additional information is provided.

Table 1. Scripting error messages
Number Description
GS-09002 File path issue. Path is incorrect or file is missing.

Cannot package file : $filePath source and destination relative path don't match

Destination directory not in rootDir

Cannot compute zip directory from source dir

Error updating application archive '$appZip'

Error compressing application archive '$appZip'

Error adding $packageName\.xcf to application archive '$appZip'

GS-09003 Bad script arguments such as an incorrect build/package/deploy/run rule.

Missing argument apkFilePath

Missing argument deployData

Missing argument projectDir

Missing argument architecture

GS-09004 Genero configuration settings errors.

Missing dynamic property '$propertyName'

Missing environment variable GMADIR

Cannot find Genero Mobile for Android package, check GMADIR environment variable

Missing environment variable ANDROID_HOME

Provisioning profile '$provisioningProfile' doesn't exist : The path contained in PROVISIONING_PROFILE variable is not valid.

Provisioning profile '$provisioningProfile' is not a provisioning profile : The path contained in PROVISIONING_PROFILE variable is not a provisioning profile (.mobileprovision) file.

Copy of provisioning profile '$provisioningProfile' failed : The copy of provisioning profile to package has failed.

Invalid value for DEBUG_PACKAGE variable (should be an integer superior or equal to 0)." : DEBUG_PACKAGE value is invalid. It should contains the debug level (a positive integer).

Cannot find Genero Mobile for iOS package, check GMIDIR environment variable. : Path contained in GMIDIR is not valid.

GS-09005 Cannot read deployment data file '$deployData'

Error parsing deployment data file '$deployData'

GS-09007 Informational messages.

Deploy to $deviceId started

Deploy started

Deploy finished

Starting emulator

Waiting for $deviceId to respond

Emulator started

Starting Genero Mobile for Android on $deviceId

Forwarding android port 6400 to localhost:$displayClientPort

Starting Genero Mobile for Android Genero Mobile for Android started

GS-09008 Errors in package node in project file (4pw).

Invalid package name '$packageName' : Use alpha numeric characters only.

Invalid package ID '$packageId' : Follows java package naming:

Invalid packageLabel '$packageLabel' : Package label cannot be an empty string.

Invalid package version '$packageVersion' : Package version must be integer value.

GS-09009 No module (.42r) in package
GS-09010 An external process failed.

Error displaying $url in browser : $msg

Error forwarding port to $port : $errmsg

Error launching internet browser $browser : $errmsg

Error launching adb devices Connect an Android device or start the Android Virtual Device emulator

Error decompressing '$gmaZip' : $errmsg

More than one device and emulator

Error launching web browser $browser : $errmsg

No device connected

Several devices connected. Enter device ID in display client configuration

Failed to open $sourceFileName

Error while signing 'payload/': $errmsg

Error while creating ipa file: $errmsg

GS-09011 Multiple modules (.42r) in package $packageName
GS-09012 Incorrect Icon-mdpi extension, only png image format is supported.