Local distributed mode architecture

This topic shows the architecture for running reports in local distributed mode.

You can deploy your reports in:

GDC without the GAS

If you display your report in the Genero Desktop Client (GDC), you can run reports without the Genero Application Server (GAS). The report is processed depending on the type of output selected. See Figure 1:

  • If the output is "SVG", the report is sent directly to GDC.
  • If another output is selected (for example, PDF), the report is stored in the GREOUTPUTDIR and sent through the DVM to GDC.
Figure: Local distributed mode in GDC without GAS

This figure shows the GRE and DVM on the same machine, and the report displaying in GDC. The process is described in the main text.

GDC with the GAS

You can use the GAS to display your report in the Genero Desktop Client (GDC). See Figure 2:

  • If the output is "SVG", the report is sent via the GAS to GDC.
  • If another output is selected (for example, PDF), the report is stored in the GREOUTPUTDIR and sent via the GAS and the DVM to GDC.
Figure: Local distributed mode in GDC with GAS

This figure shows the GRE and DVM on local machines, and the report displaying in GDC. The process is described in the main text.


If you display your report in the Genero Report Viewer for HTML5, you must use the Genero Application Server (GAS). See Figure 3:

  • If the output is "Browser", the report is stored in the GREOUTPUTDIR and sent through the GAS to the Genero Report Viewer for HTML5 browser.
  • If another output is selected (for example, PDF), the report is stored in the GREOUTPUTDIR and sent to the DVM. The report is then sent through the GAS to Genero Report Viewer for HTML5 browser.
Figure: Local distributed mode in Genero Report Viewer for HTML5

This figure shows the GRE and DVM on local machines, and the report displaying in GDC. The process is described in the main text.