Business Records error messages

A list of Business Records error messages. For messages that are not self-explanatory, additional information is provided.

Table 1. Business Records Error Messages
Number Description
GS-24001 Error loading file file.

An error occurred loading the file.

Check the file name and permissions .

GS-24002 Malformed XML.

XML file content is invalid.

Select the correct file or correct the XML.

GS-24003 File file not found in Business Application diagram (<BA file name>).

A file referenced in the Business Application diagram cannot be found. This error can occur when an entity file is renamed without following the proper procedure.

Update the reference to reference the correct file. See these topics:
GS-24004 Invalid value for %1 property.

Check the property syntax in the documentation and correct any errors.


Conflicted item.

The Business Application diagram and Business Record unique id do not match.

Open the 4ba file and resolve the conflict.

GS-24201 Missing master Record.

The document must contain at least one record that is master.

Create a record.

GS-24202 Unique query key must be set.

At least one field must be declared the unique key in a record.

Set a unique key.

GS-24203 Record used in relation must be active.

Change the record to active, or remove the relation.

GS-24204 Empty relation.

This relation has no field definition.

Add foreign/primary (or source/destination) fields.

GS-24205 Database table column referenced more than once in the form.

In one form, a database table column can be referred only once. Table aliases should be used to attach more than one field to a database.

  • Select one of the wrong Formfields and change the fieldType attribute from table_column to table_alias.
  • Select one of the wrong Formfields and change fieldType attribute to non_database.
GS-24206 Missing master table for record record.

Set the master table property.

GS-24207 Table %1 unused in query.

A database table is used in the record, but there is no join for it in the query.

Add a join for the table in the record query.

GS-24208 No schema attached.

A database is required for the business records.

Set the database name property to an existing database.

GS-24209 Invalid relation, primaryField and foreignField must have same number of fields.

Modify the relation fields so that a primary field corresponds to each foreign field.

GS-24210 Invalid query, left and right join must have same number of columns.

Check the query fields so that a left field corresponds to each right field.

GS-24211 Relation types don't match exactly.

The type of a foreign key doesn't match the corresponding primary key's type.

Check the relation, change the field types, or fix the primary / foreign key.

GS-24212 Relation field fieldname not found.

The relation refers a field that is missing in the record.

Modify the relation or add the field to the record.
GS-24213 Non existing schema schema attached to document.

Check the schema being referenced.

GS-24214 Nonexistent table table referenced in document.

The document uses a database table that is not present in the schema.

Update the schema, or change the field using the table.

GS-24215 Nonexistent column table.column referenced in document.

The document uses a database column that is not present in the schema.

Update the schema or change the field using the table.column.

GS-24216 Database table defined in "no database" document.

Set the database property to an existing schema or remove the field.

GS-24217 Table alias referenced more than once in the form.

The same table alias is associated with two columns in the form.

  • Change one table alias name.
  • Change either the table or column name.  
GS-24218 Alias alias referenced for different tables in document.

The same alias is used for different tables.

Rename the alias so that it refers to the same database table.


Alias Lookup field is ignored on %1 as it is the master table of the record.

A lookup field is dedicated to foreign field update in the master table; do not set it on a master table column.

Remove the lookup property value or update the field database settings.

GS-24220 Name value %1 is already used.

Duplicate name used in the document.

Rename the element so that the name is unique.

GS-24221 Invalid INTERVAL qualifier.

The qual1 or qual2 set for the INTERVAL sqlType is not valid. It should belong to the INTERVAL classes (i.e., YEAR-MONTH or DAY-TIME)

Change either qual1 or qual2 to fit the respective class range or change the sqlType property from INTERVAL to another sqlType.

GS-24222 Startfield of DATETIME or INTERVAL qualifiers must come earlier in the time-list than its endfield.

The qual1 value should be greater than the qual2 value, when the sqlType is either DATETIME or INTERVAL.

Ensure qual1 is greater than qual2 or change the sqlType property from INTERVAL to another sqlType.

GS-24223 Query properties set without attached database schema.

Some query properties (join, order, additional tables or where) are defined without a database schema attached.

Clear the query properties or attach a database schema to document.

GS-24224 Table table referenced by property is not present in the record.

A table is referenced in a query property (join or order), but is not referenced in any record's field or additional tables.

  • Remove the join or order that references this table.
  • Add a field referencing a column from this table to the record.
  • Add the table to the 'additional properties' property.
  • In the join or order, change the table to another one that is present in the record.
GS-24225 Invalid relation, it must have at least one field.
  • Remove the relation.
  • Add one or more source, destination field pair.
GS-24226 Value not compatible with dataType.

The value is not compatible with dataType set. This error occurs when defaultValue and include property value is incompatible with dataType property.

Change defaultValue/include, enter a value compatible to dataType format.   


Invalid join between %1 and %2.

A join between the two tables is not correct (another one exists with a different operator).
  • Remove the join

  • Change the operator

  • Change the join table(s)


There is no join between table %1 and master table.

The specified table is joined to another one, but not to the master table, creating a Cartesian product.
  • Add the missing join for the %1 table
  • Remove the table %1  

Invalid initializer.

The initializer format is incorrect.

Change the initializer to respect the format. 


Invalid source %1 for initializer %2.

The initializer source (left of ":") is unknown.

Change the initializer to respect the format.


Initializer property %1 is missing.

The property used in the initializer does not exist.

Change the property name in the initializer.

GS-24232 Cannot resolve initializer value.

The initializer cannot be resolved, the database element is not found, or the property is missing.

Change the initializer to point to a valid element.


File type not defined in Application Generator settings.

A file used in Application Generator to generate code ($generate) is of an undefined file type in settings.agconf.

Add the item type definition to the settings.agconf.

GS-24236 Cannot resolve initializer without a valid database schema.

The property initializer uses the database schema but the file doesn’t have a schema.

  • Set the database.
  • Set the property value so that the initializer is not resolved.
  • Remove the initializer.
GS-24237 Unique key field %1 is not present in the Record.

The unique key field value contains one field which is not in the record.

  • Remove the field from the unique key.
  • Add the field to the record.

Inactive table %1 in the database schema.

The database table active flag is set to false, the table is inactive and cannot be used for code generation.

Make the table active or do not use it.


Duplicate uid '%1'.

Invalid file format. A unique identifier has been used more than once. Contact Genero support.


Table Alias '%1' is a database table name

The table alias used on the record field corresponds to a database schema table name. To use this database table:

  • Change the table alias property, or
  • Change the field type to table column.