Text (text)

The Text property specifies the text to be drawn.

In the Properties view, this property is the Text property in the Text category.

The ASCIIcode.toChar() expression can be used to insert special characters. For example, the expression "This"+10.toChar()+"Example" inserts a line feed between 'This' and 'Example'. This line feed only works with the Word Wrap Box element. For a list of special characters, see the Control code chart.

Type: String. The default value is "".

For Word Boxes and Word Wrap Boxes, the value of this property may be edited directly in the report design document instead. Double-click the object and the input cursor will be placed in the text. The layout of the document is updated on each keystroke.

For Page Number Boxes, Bar Code Boxes, and Reference Boxes, the value of the text property specifies the maximum width.