Add rows or columns

Add additional rows or columns to a table. By default, a table has two rows and three columns.

About this task

Do not use the toolbox to add a column or row to a report table object.

  1. Right click on a row or column. either in the cell itself or on the control (selection tab) for the column or cell.
    You will be inserting a row or column relative to the row or column you click. If you are inserting a new row, you will be able to add the new row above or below the selected row. If you are inserting a new column, you will be able to add the new column to the left or right of the existing column.
  2. If you clicked on a cell instead of a control (selection tab):
    1. From the context menu, select Insert Table Item.
      A second context menu displays with options to insert a row or a column.
    2. Choose the appropriate option to add a row or a column.
  3. If you clicked on a column or row control instead of within a table cell, the context menu is specific to the column or row. Select the appropriate option from the context menu.

A new column or row is added to the existing table. Adding a column does not change the width of the table. The columns are resized to fit the new column.

Note: To avoid errors, ensure the height of each cell does not exceed the height of the report page.