
The Form_ui.4gl file contains functions called from MAIN. It opens the form based on the open mode, loads the Toolbar and Topmenu, launches functions to manage application states, calls MENU or DIALOG statements for the various states and calls functions in the Form_uidialog.4gl to retrieve and manage subdialogs.

Table 1. Generated functions
Function Description
uiOpenForm Opens form according to the open mode.
uiOpenFormByKey Opens form according to the open mode and position to the key.
uiAutomaton The automaton function allowing the switch between modes (DISPLAY, MODIFY, ADD, SEARCH, EMPTY)
uiDisplay Manages the DIALOG block for the DISPLAY mode.
uiInput Manages the DIALOG block for the MODIFY and ADD modes.
uiConstruct Manages the DIALOG block for the CONSTRUCT mode.
uiSearch Manages the DIALOG block for the SEARCH mode.
uiEmpty Manages the DIALOG block for the EMPTY mode.
initializeDefaultActions Initializes the list of default actions.
initializeDefaultUISettings Initializes the UI settings of the form.
action_ Launch a module.
validateCRUDOperationWrapper Validate a CRUD operation for a record (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
initialzeReports Initializes the list of available reports.
processReport Load, configure and run the current report.