Add a text encoding plugin

Use this procedure to add support for a new encoding in a Genero Studio client-server configuration.

Before you begin, the preferred encoding must be installed on the Linux™ system.

The example shows how to configure a new encoding, using IBM852 as an example. The Genero Studio client runs on a Windows® 7 Ultimate 64-bit platform using English with the CP1252 character set (Western European languages). The Genero Studio server runs on enterprise Linux™ using English with the UTF-8 character set.

  1. Locate the IBM852 charmap on the internet or Linux system.
    Figure: Unix ls command showing the compressed IBM852 character map

    This screenshot shows the compressed IBM852 charmap in the /usr/share/i18n/charmaps directory on the Linux server.
  2. Copy the uncompressed charmap to the GSTDIR/conf/charmaps directory on both client and server . Create the charmaps directory if it does not already exist.
    Figure: Uncompressing and copying the charmap to the Genero Studio charmaps directory

    This screenshot shows the process of uncompressing and copying the IBM852 charmap to the <GST-install-dir>/conf/charmaps directory.
  3. Create a new entry for the encoding in GSTDIR/conf/encodingMap.xml on both client and server.
    Figure: Adding the IBM852 alias to the encodingMap.xml file

    The figure shows the new entries in the encodingMap.xml file for the IBM852 alias.
  4. Open Genero Studio on the client, and select Tools > Preferences (or, if you are on a Mac, Genero Studio > Preferences), then General. Check to see if the new plugin displays in the list of encodings.
    If the plugin is not present in the Text Encoding list, check the following:
    • Did you copy the charmap to the Genero Studio charmaps directory on both client and server?
    • Is the charmap a valid POSIX2 charmap?
    Figure: New text encoding plugin displayed in Text Encoding list.

    This screenshot shows the new IBM852 plugin in the list of text encodings in Genero Studio Preferences.