
The componentType property defines a name identifying the external widget.

This property is used to define the type of a WebComponent form item.

When componentType is set to fglrichtext, the properties in Table 1 are activated.

Table 1. fglrichtext Properties
Property Description
toolbar The buttons that appear on the toolbar.
spellcheck How the component checks for spelling errors.
labels_toolbar_tooltips The texts for toolbar tooltips
labels_toolbar_link The labels for the link popup dialog.
labels_toolbar_linespacing The texts for line spacing options.
labels_toolbar_formatselect The texts for format options.
font_size The default font size of the component.
font_family The default font family of the component.
autoflush The action for auto-flushing the value.
autoflush_interval How often (in seconds) the value is auto-flushed.

When componentType is set to fglgallery, the property in Table 2 is activated.

Table 2. fglgallery Properties
Property Description
selection The action performed when the user clicks on the web component.

When componentType is set to fglsvgcanvas, the properties in Table 3 are activated.

Table 3. fglsvgcanvas Properties
Property Description
selection The action performed when the user clicks on the web component.
selection2 The action performed when the user double-clicks on the web component.
selection3 The action performed when the user right-clicks on the web component.
mouse_over The action triggered when the user hovers the mouse pointer over a web component element.
mouse_out The action triggered when the user moves the mouse pointer off a web component element.
mouse_event_focus If True, the web component must have the focus before the mouse action can be performed.
mouse_event_timeout The number of milliseconds to wait between a mouse event and its triggered action.

The value of this property will be mapped to a specific widget definition on the front-end side. See front-end specific documentation related to Web Components.

For additional information, see the COMPONENTTYPE attribute topic in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.