Remote environment software requirements

Install the Genero components on the different machines.

Important: The versions of Genero Studio and Genero Studio Server must match. Where possible, they should match at the X.YY.ZZ level. However, Genero Studio Server packages are not updated for all X.YY.ZZ releases; in these situations, it is enough to match the X.YY level.

On the server(s)

  • Installed Genero Studio Server (plus server-side tools provided as part of the Genero Suite Server package).
  • Installed relational database (Informix®, Oracle®, etc.) and its corresponding client (CSDK, Oracle Client, etc.); or Database Client on this server and the corresponding Database on a different remote server.
  • SSH server (if using the recommended SSH connections).
  • Samba/NFS mounts, if you are connecting to remote files using mount points

On the client

  • Genero Studio
  • Installed Genero Desktop Client

Each database software has its own client character set configuration. You must properly configure the database client locale in order to send/receive data to the database server, according to the locale used by your application. See Localization: Database Client Settings in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide