SVN Locks view
The SVN Locks view shows the lock and lock information for locked files in the given checkout directory.
From the SVN Locks view you can unlock your locked copies and steal locks from other users if forced acquisition of a lock is necessary.
Figure: SVN Locks view

- Checkout directory path
- Enter a working copy directory path to view locked files in that directory.
- Browse
- Navigate to a checkout directory to populate the checkout directory path.
- Refresh
- Refresh the data in view.
- Unlock
- Unlock the selected file.
- Steal Lock
- Forcefully acquire the lock if locked by another user.
- My locks
- Display locks owned by the current user.
- File list
- File: Displays file path relative to checkout directory path.
- Text Status: File text status in current working copy.
- Property Status: File property status in current working copy.
- Lock Type: Information about whether the file is locked in current working copy or not.
- Working copy: The file is locked in current working copy.
- Repository only: The file is locked in repository not in current working copy.
- Lock Owner: User who has locked the file.
- Lock Comment: Lock comment given by the lock owner when the file was locked.
- Lock Date: Date when the file was locked.