Link tab

The Link tab in the Build Rules Configuration dialog is used to add, edit, and delete link rules. A link rule is executed when you build an application or library node.

Command lines
Commands that will be executed during the linking of an application / library node. See Command line options for build, link, execution rules
Output files
List of files generated by the link command. See Predefined node variables
Additional dependencies
List of files used by the link command to generate output files. If all of the listed files are less recent than the output files, the link is up to date. If the dependencies list is empty, the link rule is executed every time. If the dependencies contain one or several variables which are all empty (for example, $(BuildOutputFilePaths)), the link rule is never executed.
Overwrite default rules
To define a link rule for the current level (Global or Project) and overwrite the existing link rule (defined at the Dfault, Global, or Template level), select this checkbox.