Business record properties

Business records have properties that are set in the Properties view.

Table 1. Business Record properties
Property Description
name Record name.
active The active property indicates that the table participates in the application code generation. It is checked by default when a managed form (4fdm) is created. When a table is inactive, it does not provide the modeling features and cannot be or be linked to a master record.
masterTable A data set can be composed of several database tables. The master table is a table on which CRUD operations will apply. The generator creates the CRUD operations for a given data set only if its unique key is composed by fields of the master table.
unique key A data set unique key is a field or a list of fields ensuring the uniqueness of data in the data set. It must be defined as a primary key or a secondary key in the database schema.
Functionality See Enable and disable CRUD logic. Only for generated forms and web services.
Query See Joins and Data order.
Table 2. RecordField properties
Property Description
name Record field name.
lookup See Lookup fields.
fieldType Used to specify that its data type is derived from the data types in a database table or that it is Non_Database, indicating that the data type is not derived from a database columnSee formFields.
sqlTabName The sqlTabName property is the name of the database table for formField form items.
colName The colName property is the name of the database column.
tableAliasName Table alias name.
fieldIdRef Unique reference id of the field in the record.
dataType See dataType.
defaultValue See defaultValue.
Table 3. Record Relation properties
Property Description
foreignFields The foreign key field(s) in the relation.
primaryFields The primary key field(s) in the relation.