The runtime architecture (GRW for Genero BDL)
The Genero BDL application is one part of the runtime architecture for Genero Report Writer for Genero Business Development Language.
Figure: Genero Report Writer workflow

- The Genero Business Development Language
(BDL) defines the data needed from the database
- The Genero DVM (Dynamic Virtual Machine) executes the BDL code to retrieve the data
- The Genero DVM streams data from the database to the Genero Report Engine (GRE)
- The Genero Report Designer
(GRD) graphically lays out the report
- The Genero Report Engine (GRE) lays out paged streams to Genero Report Viewer (GRV)
- The Genero Report Viewer (GRV) (part of the Genero Desktop Client) displays the report on the client; alternatively, the report can be displayed as a PDF or Image, as an HTML or XML file, or output to an Excel spreadsheet.