Print totals at the beginning of a report

Review these instructions if you wish to print aggregate values prior to printing the first detail row. For example, you may need to print totals at the start of the report and then provide the detail rows.

To print aggregate values prior to the detail rows, the aggregate values must be part of the data schema, separate from the variables shipped with every row.

Modify your Genero BDL application to send the aggregate value

In a Genero BDL reporting application, you can send the aggregate values separate from the detail rows by using AFTER GROUP OF or ON LAST ROW clauses. For example, to send the report total separate from the report total included with ON EVERY ROW, add the ON LAST ROW clause to the REPORT block, as demonstrated in this modification to the OrderReport.4gl sample report program:
REPORT report_all_orders( orderline )
        orderline OrderType,
        lineitemprice LIKE lineitem.unitprice,
        overalltotal LIKE orders.totalprice,
        usertotal LIKE orders.totalprice,
        ordertotal LIKE orders.totalprice,
        lastRowValue DECIMAL(9,2)

    ORDER EXTERNAL BY orderline.orders.userid, orderline.orders.orderid, orderline.lineitem.linenum

            LET overalltotal = 0
            PRINT controlBlock.*

        BEFORE GROUP OF orderline.orders.userid
            DISPLAY "USER " || orderline.orders.userid
            LET usertotal = 0

        BEFORE GROUP OF orderline.orders.orderid
            DISPLAY "    ORDER " || orderline.orders.orderid
            LET ordertotal = 0

        ON EVERY ROW
            DISPLAY "        EVERY ROW " || orderline.lineitem.linenum
            LET lineitemprice = orderline.lineitem.unitprice * orderline.lineitem.quantity
            LET overalltotal = overalltotal + lineitemprice
            LET usertotal = usertotal + lineitemprice
            LET ordertotal = ordertotal + lineitemprice
            PRINT orderline.*, lineitemprice, overalltotal, usertotal, ordertotal

       ON LAST ROW
          LET lastRowValue = overalltotal
          PRINT lastRowValue


The data schema now includes a variable that you can place in the report header.

Figure: Data schema with OnLastRow aggregate variable

Screen shot of data schema with OnLastRow aggregate variable.

Add aggregates using a Report Schema Transformation

Rather than modify the report application, you can use a report schema transformation to add the required aggregates to the data schema.

In this example, a report schema transformation was added to aggregate the lineitemprice for all groups and for the report total.

Figure: Data schema with aggregates from a report schema transformation

Screen shot of data schema that includes aggregates from a report schema transformation.