Viewing macro definitions

A Genero test application includes macros. You can view the macro definitions using the CTRL and ENTER keys.

If you read through the generated test file, you will notice an include statement specifying the file that contains the definition of the macros:
&include "GGCTestUtilsMacro.4gl"
The macros are written in uppercase. In this snippet from the generated test file, two macros can be found:
WAIT_FOR_APPLICATION("app_1484", 1025)
ASSERT_EQUALS(getWindowName(), "w_orderform")
You can quickly view the definition for either macro by:
  1. Placing your cursor in the macro keyword (WAIT_FOR_APPLICATION or ASSERT_EQUALS in our example.)
  2. Hold down the CTRL key.
  3. Press the ENTER key (or click the mouse).
The GGCTestUtilsMacro.4gl file opens in Code Editor, with the selected macro highlighted.

For more information on macros, refer to the Genero Ghost Client User Guide.