Add Web Service
To access or define a Web service, the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) description must be created by the service provider. You can use the WSDL description to determine the operations of the Web Service in your BDL program, the required parameters, and the return values.
- Right-click an Application, folder or library node in Project Manager and select Add Web Service.
In the Web Services Wizard, choose between:
- Client Consuming WSDL - to retrieve the WSDL information and generate a .4gl file containing the BDL functions for the WSDL operations, which can be called by a GWS client application.
- Server Implementing WSDL - to retrieve the WSDL information and generate a .4gl file (GWS Server Application) containing the BDL functions to create and publish a Web Service which can be accessed over the web.