Define identifiers

Create and import a .4id file to define custom sets of extra identifiers.

By default, eight sets of extra identifiers are provided in the Language Specific tab for the Genero BDL language. You can update these eight sets using the graphical user interface, or you can manage your sets by creating and importing a .4id file.

Extra identifiers can be imported into the Code Editor preferences using the Import extra identifiers tool found in the Code Editor preferences for the Genero BDL language.

  1. Create a .4id file.
    The .4id file is an XML file that defines extra identifier sets.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <ExtraIdentifiersSet identifiers="identifiers" name="name" set="set"/>
    1. identifiers is a space-separated list of identifiers.
    2. name is the set name, which can be left empty. If the set name is left empty, a default set name is used.
    3. set is the set number, from 1 to 8. There is a maximum of 8 sets of extra identifiers.
  2. Select the Tools > Preferences menu option.
  3. Navigate to Code Editor > Behavior & Display.
  4. Select Genero BDL in the Language combobox.
  5. Select the Language Specific tab.
  6. Check Use custom settings to enable the Extra identifiers section.
  7. Under Extra identifiers, click the Import extra identifiers icon.
  8. Select the .4id file to import.