You can modify an existing report template and add them to the Designer
To modify an existing report template, you need to create copies of the existing template
files and then modify the copies. When finished, the modified templates must be added to the
Designer Wizard.
Create a new directory on your disk (e.g: My Report Templates) to hold
your customized report template files.
Locate the files for the existing report template, and move them into your new directory.
These files include:
- *.4rt - the existing report template file.
- *.4rt.png - the existing image used for the report template file in the new
report from template wizard.
- *.4rt.prop - the existing configuration file used to categorize the report
- *.rsd - the report schema design file used by the report template.
- the template-specific sub-directory, containing the many images used by pages within the
template wizards.
Rename the files and sub-directory to use a unique name. All of the files (with the exception
of the .rsd file) and the image directory should share the same name.
Make changes to the *.4rt file in Report Designer.
Update the *.4rt.prop file to specify your template name, description, and filtering tags.
Update the creatables.conf file in your user-based
$GSTSETUPDIR directory and add details about the
Update the image files, as necessary. See the section on template images in Customize the appearance of a new report template in the wizard.