To reach the broadest possible audience, distribute your Genero Mobile for Androidâ„¢ (GMA) app through the
Google Play marketplace.
Create a signed APK package that meets the requirements of Google Play, and load it to the
Google Play Store.
Generate a private key using the Java keytool application.
For example:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias my-alias
You are prompted to provide the Distinguished Name (DN) fields for your key
and a password for the keystore and the key. The keystore is identified by
an alias,
my-alias in the example.
Note: Note:
keytool is located in the
bin/ directory of your JDK installation. To
locate your JDK from Studio, select to open the Genero Configuration Management window. From
the environment set list, select Java SDK. The variable JAVA_HOME has
your JDK location.
A keystore file (.jks) is created,
in the example. It is saved in the
current directory (you can move it wherever you like). You now have a
keystore file that contains a single key that is valid for 10,000 days.
Create the APK for the app.
The APK must meet specific requirements in order to upload to the Google Play Store.
Set the environment variables dedicated to application signing. These environment variables
are defined in
Genero Configurations settings, typically
in the Android
environment set:
- Path to the key store
- Key store password
- Entry name for the key in the key
- Key password in the key store
Note: We recommend you use a special keystore for development
purposes in order to avoid distributing your company's private signing
key to all developers. Set up a separate secured environment for signing
with your company key.
Select to open the Google Play Developer Console. Follow the process to add your app to the