Code templates (Ctrl+T)

Code templates are snippets of frequently used code elements available to insert into the code to avoid repetitive typing and speed up coding.

To use a code template in your code, select one of these methods:

  • Type the code template name, such as "case", in your code where you want it to appear; Press Ctrl+T, or right-click to display the contextual menu and choose Expand Template.
  • Position the cursor where you want the code to appear, and press Ctrl+T to display a list of code templates. Select from the list using the arrow keys, and press Enter. (Press Esc to cancel)

The selected template is inserted in the document using the exact layout (tabs, linefeeds, and so on.) A corresponding number of lines are shifted.

Templates are user-customizable. Use Tools > Preferences > Code Editor > Code Templates to add or modify a template.

Example: Adding a "case" instruction code template

Use the popup window (Ctrl-T) to select a keyword, or type "case" and press Ctrl-T.

Figure: Code template pop-up window

This figure is a screenshot of a code template pop-up with the case template selected.

The code template is inserted in your code, ready for you to complete.

Figure: CASE code template

This figure shows the Case statement code inserted by the case template: CASE () WHEN WHEN END CASE.