Migrate from dbapp2.0 to dbapp3.0

You can migrate your generated application from the dbapp2.0 template set to the dbapp3.0 template set.

  1. Confirm that you are using the dbapp3.0 template set. Select Tools >> Genero Configurations.
  2. In the Environment sets list check mark the environment set named Template dbapp3.0.
  3. Confirm that your business records each have a unique key. Set the unique key if it has not already been defined as a primary key or secondary key in the database meta-schema.
  4. The Source Field and Destination Field properties have been replaced by the Source Field in the group Position and by Source Field/Destination Field in the group Filter. Consequently, you may need to update some relations in your Business Application Diagram. When you open your existing BA diagram, the values of the orphan property Source Field are in the Source Field of the group Position and the Destination Field property becomes an orphan property. Update your relations between forms:
    Option Description
    Relation between a Form and a Form
    • In the Filter group, update the Source Field property with the same values as those in the Source Field property in the group Position.
    • Update the Destination Field with the same values as those in the Destination Field.
    • In the Position group, reset the values specified in the property Source Field.
    Relation between a Form and a Zoom No update needed.
  5. The dbapp3.0 template set is a new application architecture thus some BLOCK/POINT sections are in different source files. To migrate your modified BLOCK/POINT sections, please contact your support center.