Debug a running local program

Complete this procedure to attach the Graphical Debugger to a running local process.

Before you begin:

  1. Select Debug >> Attach to Process.... The Attach to process dialog opens.
  2. Select the Attach to local process radio button.
  3. In the list of processes, select the process you wish to attach to.
    Tip: Each process is identified by the process ID, or PID. On Windows™ systems, you can use the Task Manager to map the process ID to the fglrun command that started the Genero program.
  4. Click Attach. The debug session starts. The Select the file dialog opens, as the debugger needs to know where the source files are located.
  5. Navigate to the directory that contains the source files for your application and select the appropriate source (.4gl) file, then click Open. The source file opens. You are now in a standard debug session.

With the debug session open, follow the procedures for using the Graphical Debugger.