Report an issue to support

If you have a problem with your Genero Report Writer report, you can use the GREDATAFILE environment variable to report the issue.

  1. In the Genero Configuration Management dialog, create an environment variable called GREDATAFILE.
  2. Set GREDATAFILE to the file name where you want to store the debug information, for example, reportdatafile.xml.
  3. Run the application. The application will not produce output, but will write to the specified file.
  4. Provide your support person with the following files:
    • The data file specified by GREDATAFILE
    • The report definition document (.4rp)
    • All resources accessed by the report, for example, the images, HTML files, subreports, and data schemas (.rdd or .xsd)
Support can reproduce the report and provide assistance with the issue.