View program logs (Android)

You can view the program logs for your Android mobile app in a browser. The output displays VM messages (standard output and standard error).

Before you begin, your app must be the deployed debug version of the app. You cannot view the standard output and error logs when running an app in developer mode. You must connect the physical device to your computer using a USB cable in order to use any debug tools with a deployed debug application.
  1. To view the standard output and error logs in a web browser:
    1. To run the app from your device, launch your app in debug mode. See Run the debug version of a deployed app (Android). The application launches and the initial form displays.
    2. Swipe down on the icon bar and locate the entry for the Debug service. Make a note of the URI address provided. The URI takes the form of http://<device_ip_address>:<port_number>.
    3. Open a browser and enter in the URI from the previous step.
    4. Click VM Output. The standard output and standard error messages display.
  2. To view using the Display Standard output and error menu option:
    1. To run the app from your device, launch your app in debug mode. See Run the debug version of a deployed app (Android). The application launches and the initial form displays.
    2. Select Tools >> Android Tools >> Display Standard output and error. The program logs (standard output and standard error messages) are written to the Output view.
    3. To stop the program logs from appearing in the Output view, select Tools >> Android Tools >> Stop display Standard output and error.