Show, dock, or move a view

Views (panels) can be hidden and shown, docked or undocked, and moved within the framework.

Show or hide a view

Show or hide views by right-clicking in the Genero Studio window title, or use Window >> Views.
Note: The Data View and Tool Box views are only listed when you have a report design document open in the Document view.

For a list of hot keys to show and hide the views, look at Window >> Views. Where available, the hot key is listed next to the view name.

Select visible views

To open the Manage Views dialog, select Window >> Views >> Manage Views .... A dialog opens listing all views. Use the checkbox to set each view as visible or hidden.

To make all views visible, select the Select all checkbox located at the bottom of the dialog.

Dock or undock a view

Undock a view by double-clicking on its title bar. Re-dock a view to its last position by double-clicking on its title bar.

Move views

Move a view to by selecting its title bar and dragging it to float or to a new position in the framework. As you move the view, shaded areas appear showing you valid locations to place the view.